This is a fake shop. You cannot actually buy anything here. Likewise, the products and prices do not exist. This shop is for fun and entertainment only!
But wait! There's one exception - the articles in the category Best of Amazon can be ordered through Amazon.
Yes definitely - if you link us. All images are under a license that helps us to protect the hard work we put into each article. I would be unfair if you claim that these images are yours isn't it?
We are cool if you post a link to the article or to our Landing Page next to the article, so people know where to find this awesome article.
If you want to print the images in your magazine and need a higher quality image, feel free to contact us.
Thats awesome! Please contact us by email and provide a little description so we know what you really mean. Most of the times it's obvious, but sometimes it's hard to guess whats the actual joke is.
You can even provide a sketch. If we like the article give us some time and we create the images, description and so on.
If you like we can also mention your name in the article description!
We put a lot of work into each article, create the images with our 3D software, pay monthly fees for the servers and much more. We love when people like and share the articles but please post a link to Etel-Tuning to help us growing and support us.
If you find someone stealing the images and using them somewhere it would be great if you contact us. Thank you for your understanding!
We told you - back in 1837... Just kidding - I've created the german version of Etel-Tuning back in 2008 as a little document with some funny articles and put that online. Without sharing it people somehow found it and shared it over and over.
I've decided to take this project serious and set up an online shop and recreated all articles multiple times. The first attempts were with a budget digital camera and some very noobish photoshop skills. Later i've started to learn 3D modelling (just for Etel-Tuning btw. this is not my job) and that's how i created most of the articles that you see right now. In detail i'm using 3DS Max and a VRAY rendering engine, together with Adobe Photoshop.
The international website was created in January 2020.
The reason i'm still working on that project after all that years is that i love the whole car and tuning scene and i'm really into customizing things like this webshop. The whole workflow from the article idea, writing a description, creating images and 3D models and seeing how people react to my work is a true passion for me! Also this allows me to work on something serious while making fun of the whole thing.